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SIP Trunks

SIP Trunks

VoIP Air SIP Trunks allow businesses that have IP PBX systems to connect to the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) via VoIP over their internet connection. This is one of the most significant advantages of SIP Trunking because it allows for convergence of voice and data onto a common IP connection, eliminating the need for separate voice and data connection. SIP Trunking can also offer significant cost savings for businesses by eliminating the need for local gateways or PRI connections.

VoIP Air’s SIP Trunking Benefits Include:

VoIP Air is a world class organization. I really appreciate the excellent customer service and technical support from the team. VoIP Air supports you 365 days a year and at any time of the day remotely. You can’t get this type of service in the US anymore… Being with VoIP Air all this time and have not had any down time that impacted my business. Thanks again for the ongoing excellent support.

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